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Ex-Gehry Architects Devise Eco-Powered Vision For Inglewood, CA
Wed Mar 30 2011 07:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
We just put out a call-to-artists for something on these lines. A look at a more livable environment and ways the creative professionals can have a positive impact and influence on the urban landscape.
?Inglewood, California: Finally up to some good? A couple of Gehry-office expats have concocted an ambitious master plan to turn a broad swath of this depressed California city of 112,000 into a foliage-covered, wind-powered, mass-transit, natural spring water-spewing eco oasis. As the Architect?s Newspaper reports, Inglewood-based architects (fer) Studio want to create a full-blown ?system of urban agriculture? ? a lofty goal in any city, but especially in a part of the world where ?green? means something very different from ?environmentally minded.? The craziest part: They might actually make it happen
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