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Meet Christopher Mercier


Tue Nov 21 2023 15:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have Christopher with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?

I like to believe a persons work ethic is something that evolves out of and along with their character. There is the ago old saying, ” do it like its the last thing you will ever do” or something to that nature. For me, that has meant you have to approach everything you do as something you truly care about. Something your willing to do whatever it takes to get a right, meaning extra work hours or whatever sacrifices needed (within reason obviously) so that your proud of what you have done. If not don’t do it. This has been a way of operating for me ever since I can remember. Now, in all honesty there are occasions, like with all rules, when thing brake down but for the most part I like to feel like I have held to this standard throughout most of my professional life.

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